Unfinished Business

A FULL MONTH AFTER THE INDEPENDENT Review Commission investigating the 2007 General Election released its report, the dust is yet to settle over the findings. After the publication of the report, KPTJ members restrained themselves from making comments about it without subjecting it to rigorous analysis and debate.

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This issue of Truth & Justice attempts to interpret the Kriegler report by pointing out its strengths, weaknesses and how to use it to move Kenya forward. If the bi-partisan commission, headed by South African Judge Johann Kriegler hoped to avoid controversy by making ambiguous statements and generalised conclusions, it has unwittingly walked into the eye of the storm. There is open disagreement on how to deal with the Electoral Commission of Kenya, which was found to be so fatally flawed that it enjoys neither public confidence nor credibility. Although the commission adopted many recommendations Kenyans have been making on the kind of electoral system they would like to have, a keen reading of its report shows that it went off the tracks as soon as it began the search for truth.

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A FULL MONTH AFTER THE INDEPENDENT Review Commission investigating the 2007 General Election released its report, the dust is yet to settle over the findings. After the publication of the report, KPTJ members restrained themselves from making comments about it without subjecting it to rigorous analysis and debate