Kenya and the ICC Trust Fund for Victims

Following the disputed presidential election that threw Kenya into turmoil, the International Criminal Court (ICC) found that there was a reasonable basis to proceed with investigations into the Post 2007 election related violence. This meant that Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo would take up the cause of approximately 1,133 of children, women and men who lost their lives and over 600,000 Kenyans displaced from their homes. This is in addition to the other countless victims who lost their businesses and sources of livelihood as a result of post-election related violence of 2007/2008.

For the purposes of the ICC, a victim is a person who has suffered harm as a result of the commission of a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court. The ICC recognises two types of victims, for participation in the ICC proceedings.

Kenya and the ICC Trust Fund for Victims

Following the disputed presidential election that threw Kenya into turmoil, the International Criminal Court (ICC) found that there was a reasonable basis to proceed with investigations into the Post 2007 election related violence.